The Great Canadian Farce, often referred to as the 2011 Canadian Election, continues. The more information that is revealed about the NDP's plan to hijack the PM's office the more sobering it is. My initial response was to laugh at the many jokes about the Quebec voters stupidity. They after all didn't even know anything about the candidates for whom they voted. Let's be honest. This was a vote against the Bloc Quebecois who hadn't given them what they wanted. They would vote for whoever promised to deliver and Jumpin' Jack portrayed himself as their messiah.
This is an embarrassing testimony of the regulations governing Canadian elections. Regardless of whether you believe the Quebec voters are stupid, uninformed, or simply naive, there should be an expectation of basic candidate quality. All voters should feel violated by the NDP. They allowed their greed, and hunger for power to override good judgement. Every candidate should definitely know their respective riding, live in the riding, and have a certain level of qualification. After all we are giving them a salary of $150, 000 per year. What job can any of us apply for at that level of salary without proving our qualification. What has happened is Quebec in an insult to the Canadian Taxpayer.
While the Bloc appeared to be the big loser, the biggest loser in this election was definitely the Canadian Taxpayer.
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